Vestibular UFPR – Edital, Prova, Resultado, Resposta
The UFPR entrance exam is one of the ways in which students enter the university, so it is very competitive. Vacancies vary depending on the course, but through the UFPR vestibule, the candidate can enter the course.
The UFPR entrance exam is very important, since the score you receive will determine your classification. It is important that candidates prepare for the test so that they are more likely to win the position.
About UFPR
UFPR courses are of very high quality and are highly rated by the MEC, so they are highly sought after. To secure a place on the dream course, the candidate must pass an excellent test and obtain a high score. The list of candidates is huge, so go over your final course score to have a better chance of winning.

The Federal University of Paraná was founded in 1912, which makes it the oldest university in Brazil. Since its inception, it has prepared thousands of professionals for the job market.
To win a place at UFRJ you have 4 possibilities, which are mentioned below:
- Entrance exam;
- Extended selection process;
- Content;
- To test.
If you want to take a closer look at the selection process for opportunities, click here.
How does the UFPR entrance exam work?
The vestibular is done through a selection process, where all the filling is virtual.
- Access the official website of UFRJ by clicking here;
- Just enter all the requested data, the registration is available and that’s it!
It is worth mentioning that those who do not request exemption from the registration fee will have to pay a fee in the amount of R$155.00, which is intended to pay the entrance fee.
The traditional entrance exam is still the main way to enter UFPR. This selection process is carried out annually and is intended for undergraduate courses.
Learn more:
- Understand now what is the Unified Selection System – SISU;
- Understand better how the University for All Program works – PROUNI;
- Get to know SUS – How it works, who is entitled, how the new application works.
As in the previous edition, the entrance exam also had a single-phase format, due to the coronavirus pandemic. The tests for the UFPR entrance exam were composed of an essay on a current topic and 60 objective questions about subjects taught in secondary education.
The UFPR 2022 entrance exam takes place in two phases:
1st phase of entrance exam
The test consists of 90 objective questions, distributed as follows:
- 12 portuguese questions
- 6 questions of Brazilian Literature
- 9 questions in Mathematics
- 9 questions about Physics
- 9 questions about chemistry
- 9 Biology questions
- 9 Geography questions
- 9 questions in History
- 5 questions about Philosophy
- 5 questions about Sociology
- 8 questions in a foreign language (English, Spanish, German, French, Polish, Japanese or Italian)
- publicity
This stage is eliminatory and qualifying!
2nd phase entrance exam
In the second phase of the exam, candidates will be submitted to a discursive exam, specific to the chosen course.
The entire registration process for the UFPR entrance exam will be done online, through the institution’s official website. In its last selection process, UFPR opened registration in November and ran until December. To participate in next year’s entrance exam, the dates have not yet been set.
In any case, see below how the registrations for the UFPR entrance exam work:
- Access the website, here ;
- Click on vestibular 2022;
- Access the website and register;
- You will need to fill in all the data that will be requested;
- Do not forget to inform the course and teaching unit that you are interested in;
- Don’t forget to print the slip you need to pay the fee.
Paying the fee, pay attention only to the dates of the public notice.
According to the dates and development of the public notice, the results calendar is published, normally this publication occurs well after the contest, it is important to pay attention to its calendar, you can check information about your public notice by clicking here.
The candidate will be able to check more information about his result through the feedback that is made available after the contest, just pay attention to the dates of publication of the public notice.
Once available, you will only need to provide some requested data, usually your personal data and that’s it!
The UFRJ entrance exam is one of the most competitive contests, people from all over the world seek to participate in the process in search of a place to complete higher education.
Pay attention to the program’s publicity calendar and sign up, keep an eye on the dates that are available for publication of feedback, information in the public notice and guarantee your place in the contest.