Entenda melhor como funciona o Programa Universidade para Todos – PROUNI
If you are pursuing your studies, PROUNI may be the right choice for you. The program awards half sequential grants to projects and the private sector. The program differs from SISU, a digital platform that places candidates in public institutions. In this article we will well outline the selection process, the scholarship amount and monthly fee.
The Ministry of Education has announced an extension to the selection process for the Prouni Scholarship. From the date of April 22nd to May 3rd, those who were shortlisted on the April list must submit documents to prove their eligibility.
Documents must be provided to educational institutions participating in the programs. The Ministry of Education will issue a grant document to students that proves all statistical conditions. This process is free and easy.

According to the decree signed by the President of Brazil, the last two editions of the enem will not be taken into account when applying for a scholarship. Also, the candidate can score zero for their higher education as it is not necessary to obtain a higher education essay of 450.
MEC is a website where study students can apply for the Prouni scholarship. The MEC also advises that selected students must meet certain eligibility requirements to qualify for the program. The MEC also announced that students from public and private schools were recognized. For the second semester of the year, students without scholarships can also apply.
How to apply?
Now, you can use the information provided to apply for a scholarship. And once you enroll, you can also use the same registration form to apply for a partial scholarship.
Before applying for the scholarship, you must meet certain requirements. To qualify, you must prove your monthly income equivalent, equivalent to 1.5, the minimum price, three and three annuities.
To identify other qualities to qualify There are other qualities for PROUNI. Public school students and permanent staff. Lastly, you must be a resident of Brazil and have a high school diploma or GED.
Access the official website of Prouni https://prounialuno.mec.gov.br/ .
Fill in all the requested data, the registration portal in the process is completely self-explanatory, just follow the step by step.
Passing score
In Enem, the cut-off score can be used in various government programs. One of the most important is the Unified Selection System (Sisu), the most competitive selection process in Brazil.
The entrant uses their cut score to compete only with applicants who have chosen the same educational institution, campus, service and course options, but as it works as an “auction”.
The minimum score is changed every day according to the records and only at the end of the process is it possible to know the official cut score. Which is usually known today as a cut note, famous for the Enem.
After enrolling in Prouni, the candidate can check his result on the program’s official website, as soon as it is announced. If approved, interest in the scholarship must be demonstrated and the application process must be followed.
For students on the waiting list, you should pay attention to the result date, that is, the time when you will know if you have been selected to receive the scholarship or not.
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In the timeline, you will know all the dates related to the process. This entire informative process of dates and everything else will be included in the public notice, so it is extremely important to be very attentive.
Waiting list
Well, the waiting list at Prouni is your last chance and opportunity to apply and get a scholarship, it is made up of all opportunities that may not have been filled, this is clear within the process after the first and second call of the selection process.
All this schedule organization is disclosed on the official website of the MEC, it is important to emphasize that it is necessary to register on the waiting list to participate. So be aware of the entire schedule and public notice.