Entenda agora o que é o Sistema de Seleção Unificada – SISU


If you want to study in a specific course, university or community, the SISU system allows you to search for the best courses in your preferred modality. If you do not want to choose the same course, you can change your preferences and the system will publish grades for each course and modality. You can also get help from the SISU system.

Cut-off scores will also tell applicants whether their chosen course is eligible to compete. However, applicants have until the end of April to change their teaching and education institutions if they are not selected. 


After receiving the registration results, they can register on waiting lists or go to the federal government website to register.

How to apply?

This entire disclosure schedule is released according to the public notice, so it is extremely important to keep an eye on the vacancy schedule. Candidates are advised to prepare strategies for filling out the options in the system. 


Even if they have not entered the national high school exam, students can still apply for these places. Candidates can choose from a selection of course options, which are categorized by university.

What is sisu in Brazil? It’s a system that helps students get into state universities, creating a democratic system where you only have to take one exam instead of many. 


This was a problem in the past as students had to take exams for each university they wanted to attend and often had to travel to different cities to take them.  In the new system, ENEM exam results are recognized throughout the country, which allows all students to compete for vacancies.

SISU provides the opportunity to enter a public university and compete for vacancies for public education in the country. Siu is an online platform where you can choose between teaching courses to study in public institutions in Brazil. 

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Registration is free and completely online. This possibility opens twice a year, before the beginning of each semester. On average, candidates have three days to choose a course. 

From the second day of registration, the cut-off marks for participation in the course will be published. Thus, those who can orient themselves and obtain references are those who were selected for grades in a particular course and obtained no in a particular course. 

Course changes are allowed throughout the enrollment period if grades are below the cut-off grades. After the process, a list of selected candidates will be published and students must enroll at the institution where they were admitted.

How to sign up for Sisu?

The application process is usually twice a year, and candidates can apply for up to two course options, changing them only during the registration period. 

Each institution defines different weights and minimum grades for each subject. A cut-off note is the lowest note that separates those who are selected from the rest. The cut grade is calculated daily based on the number of candidates and available locations on a course.

Students must register with SISU as soon as possible to secure their place on the waitlist. After the INEP call is released, candidates must access the registration page and click on a button confirming that they would like to be added to the waiting list. 

To register for SISU, access: https://acessounico.mec.gov.br/

Waiting list

Candidates who have not made the regular SISU call may apply to the waiting list to gain admission to the program. 

The waiting list is open to candidates who did not make the regular call. Candidates must register in the system by entering their registration number and password. They must also indicate whether they want to join the regular or waitlist. The process to sign up for the waitlist is straightforward.

The unified selection system was introduced by the federal government in 2010 to simplify the admissions process for public and awarded scholarships. The SISU unified selection system requires students to register on the SISU website, which allocates them to various universities based on their ENEM scores. 

ENEM cutoffs vary from program to program so students can check eligibility requirements for their desired degree program. Private heis use various criteria and may have lower standards than public institutions.

Conheça o autor do artigo:
Victor Silva
: Olá, me chamo Victor. Atualmente estou atuando na área de finanças e o objetivo principal é ajudar a melhorar a vida de vários cidadãos brasileiros.
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