Entenda agora tudo sobre o Fundo de Financiamento Estudantil – FIES


The Student Financing Fund, FIES, is a federal agency that provides financial aid to students. It was created in 1999 and serves 3.3 million students.

By mid-2020, the program will reach a major milestone with more than 1 million defaulters on student loans. In addition to these numbers, the program also offers scholarships and other financial aid to deserving students. 


Here are the important differences between FIES and previous versions of the program.

One of the reasons for the lack of new Fies contracts is the covid-19 pandemic. The Ministry of Education has extended the deadline for implementing changes to the Fies contracts, which require documentary evidence. 


However, if the changes are implemented by the end of March, the government will provide additional details to help students and parents better understand the changes. Students should remember that Fies contracts are a social program, which involves several agents.


The federal government has announced the possibility of paying off debts for students who are in arrears. If you have not paid in installments for more than ninety days, you can request the renegotiation of Fies.

 If you are more than ninety days late on your payments, you can get up to a ninety percent discount on your consolidated debt. However, you have to apply within ninety days of delay to qualify for debt settlement.

While there is still some uncertainty about the future of the student loan fund, experts urge caution. While this can be tempting to get additional loans, it can cause more financial problems.

 To avoid this situation, you should try to wait until a renegotiation period opens up and push for a review of the migration rules. In most cases, waiting until the trading period is over is the best approach.

How to apply for FIES?

The Financial Aid office oversees the selection process for students seeking financial aid. Students must meet certain requirements to be considered for funding. 

Depending on the state, eligibility requirements may change each year. In addition, the amount of funding granted may change as a result of changes in legislation and family information. 

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Therefore, it is crucial to review the eligibility requirements and submit your application in advance. After completing the application, students must make the direct deposit with their treasurer’s office and wait for the funds to arrive.

The cost and benefit of each method must be carefully considered. Other methods include extending student credit and issuing stored value cards. The school must consider all the fundamentals that a student may be eligible to obtain before making a final decision. 

If you meet all the requirements, you will need to access the official FIES website through https://sisfiesportal.mec.gov.br/?pagina=inscricao .

When accessing the portal, it is fully self-explanatory, you will have to fill in all your personal data, validate your information carefully so that the correct financing contract is made.

Passing score

It is important to make it clear that the FIES Cutoff Score is calculated the same as any other student finance program. Which is usually disclosed during the public notice, which is carried out at the time of registration, the candidate will enter the grade for a particular institution only if it is within the parameter related to the cutoff grade of the course and chosen institution.


Candidates selected in the student financing fund program will be published on the official FIES website, according to the schedule and disclosure calendar. In this way, it is possible to measure whether or not you got the vacancy, be aware of the publication dates of the Notice.

Waiting list

The Fies waitlist is published along with the single call results. However, waitlisted candidates will only be entitled to a place if they are not filled by pre-selected students in the single call.

Those who do not complete the necessary steps within the established deadline will lose their right to FIES, so it is important to quickly submit the documentation and ensure enrollment in the chosen course. In this way, unfilled vacancies will be placed at the disposal of candidates on a waiting list.

Conheça o autor do artigo:
Victor Silva
: Olá, me chamo Victor. Atualmente estou atuando na área de finanças e o objetivo principal é ajudar a melhorar a vida de vários cidadãos brasileiros.
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